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Helping Save Community Financial Institutions

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Tricia Ball bio photo

Mob Mentality

Mob Programming is an efficient way to teach multiple people a new language and needs very few resources.

Dan Bernier bio photo

Automated Tests for Google Apps Script

What do you do when you're writing Google Spreadsheet extensions in JavaScript, and you want automated tests? Build your own tiny testing framework.

Tom Reznick bio photo

Find a Credit Union With the NCUA Gem

The NCUA uses asynchronous JSON requests to find a Credit Union. We make a Gem for that.

Dan Bernier bio photo

Fuzzy Matching with Cosine Similarity

A simple algorithm to tell when things are just a LITTLE different.

Tom Reznick && Dan Bernier bio photo

Look Up Your Bank with the FDIC Gem

The FDIC exposed an unpublished JSON API. So we made a ruby gem for it.